The Community

Going through a spiritual awakening can be a beautiful life altering process, but it can also feel lonely at times. Having a support network through all the ups and downs is important to help you stay connected with an open heart. Glenda, Kristin and I know this all too well!

The three of us were fortunate to have found each other during some of the most vulnerable stages of our spiritual journeys, when we needed that extra guidance and support more than ever. It gave us and continues to give us all opportunities to learn from each others experiences, as well as uplift each other to our fullest potentials. Our connection was divinely orchestrated, so that we could create the community that we longed for and that you probably long for too, Soul on a Voyage.

We are growing our spiritual community and we would love for you to join us. You can visit our website, listen to our podcast – The Spiritual Rabbit Hole, or join us for an online event (more coming soon).